Rose's Choice Choice- Roses & Lilies
This is a perfect combination of roses and lilies. The dozen long roses are accented with 3 stems of Oriental Lilies. The arrangement will take their breath away. 24" x 16" (Lilies may vary in color) Up grade for additional Roses and...
Signature Dozen Rose Arrangement
This is our signature dozen rose arrangement. We take a dozen long stemmed roses and artfully arrange them with textural greens and fillers in a glass vase. This is the classic way to express love and romance. You can also pick another rose color for any...
The Perfect Dozen Plus
We've taken the classic arrangement of a dozen long stemmed roses and made it even better! This arrangement also has three stems of fragrant oriental lilies and two stems of beautiful hydrangea. It's absolutely gorgeous! This is perfect for celebrating a...
The Perfect Two Dozen PLUS
Two dozen roses are accented by four stems of Oriental lilies, and 3 hydrangea. Choose what color roses you would like. Stands about 26" tall x 22" wide Upgrade for additional roses, lilies, hydrangea
2 Dozen Rose's Choice
This two dozen roses available in any color you select is accented by 4 stems or fragrant Oriental Lilies. 24" tall x 22" wide Upgrade for additional Roses and Lilies!
Love Blossoms
Love Blossoms is a luxurious statement that will bring love into any room or office! Designed with 2 large hydrangea, 6 white Roses, 6 red Roses, 3 Spray Roses, 6 Burgundy Carnations, and heart adornments Its dimensions are 24" long x 12"...
One Available- Madagascar Dragon Tree
Only one available! This "Big Daddy" of house plants is a Madagascar Dragon Tree. Green, sword-like, red-edged leaves. The eye-catching and easy to maintain tree is a perfect gift to celebrate a new home, birthday, thinking of you, or even just...
La Vie En Rose
Made to stop everyone in their tracks with this playful, and artful design. Arranged all around, this will make the whole room swoon!Designed with 2 jumbo Hydrangea, 9 Roses, 6 Carnations, 3 Spray Roses, Lily Grass loops, touches of Wax Flower, in a...
Deeply Loved- Three Dozen Roses
Receiving these flowers will be remembered for life. A perfect way to convey how deeply loved one is. The rich red roses are paired perfectly with the mauve/ lavender roses as shown, or select another color. 30" tall x 26" wide
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