Cupids's Choice Choice- Roses & Lilies
This is a perfect combination of roses and lilies. The dozen long roses are accented with 3 stems of Oriental Lilies. The arrangement will take their breath away. 24" x 16" (Lilies may vary in color) Up grade for additional Roses and...
Love Blossoms
Love Blossoms is a luxurious statement that will bring love into any room or office! Designed with 2 large hydrangea, 6 white Roses, 6 red Roses, 3 Spray Roses, 6 Burgundy Carnations, and heart adornments Its dimensions are 24" long x 12"...
Ona's Choice- 1 of A Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Ona! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Ona has a eye for detail that will take your...
Pattie's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Pattie! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Pattie has a eye for detail that will take...
Galentine's Box
This Gift Box comes with 12oz Insulated Stainless Steel Tumbler with the words "You’re Awesome, Keep Shining" permanently laser engraved, Stainless Steel Straw and Spoon, 150g Lavender Handmade Soap, 240ml White Tea Body Butter, 240ml Coconut...
Grandeur Orchid Planter
This large planter is sure o impress- two premium Orchids surrounded by complimentary bloomers and foliage
Signature Dozen Rose Arrangement
This is our signature dozen rose arrangement. We take a dozen long stemmed roses and artfully arrange them with textural greens and fillers in a glass vase. This is the classic way to express love and romance. You can also pick another rose color for any...
The Perfect Dozen Plus
We've taken the classic arrangement of a dozen long stemmed roses and made it even better! This arrangement also has three stems of fragrant oriental lilies and two stems of beautiful hydrangea. It's absolutely gorgeous! This is perfect for celebrating a...
Signature Two Dozen Roses
Two dozen premium roses designed with specialty foliage in a clear vase. Dimensions Approximately 12" W X 24" H All-Around Arrangement
White Rose Elegance
A dozen elegant white roses are accented with textural greens in a glass vase. This measures 16" wide X 24" tall.
Pink Rose Perfection
A dozen beautiful pink roses are arranged in a vase with textural greenery. This measures 16" wide X 24" tall.
Classic Beauty 18 Rose Arrangement
This traditionally designed long stemmed rose arrangement is a true classic. We design 18 premium roses in a lovely vase arrangement with seasonal greens and fillers. Choose your favorite color to compliment any occasion. This arrangement...
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