Cupids's Choice Choice- Roses & Lilies
This is a perfect combination of roses and lilies. The dozen long roses are accented with 3 stems of Oriental Lilies. The arrangement will take their breath away. 24" x 16" (Lilies may vary in color) Up grade for additional Roses and...
Flirt Alert
This collection is a sweet way to brighten anyone's day! As shown: New- 2 mini carnations, 3 carnations, 1 Hydrangea, 3 roses, 1 spray rose, Filler, 1 Pitt, 2 aralia, 1 aspid, 2 Italian Deluxe Upgrade: We add an...
Love Blossoms
Love Blossoms is a luxurious statement that will bring love into any room or office! Designed with 2 large hydrangea, 6 white Roses, 6 red Roses, 3 Spray Roses, 6 Burgundy Carnations, and heart adornments Its dimensions are 24" long x 12"...
Romantic Sunset Bouquet
This stunning arrangement has a mix of 12 orange and hot pink roses, 6 Stems of hydrangea, 3 Stems of mini spray roses, and 10 fragrant stock accented, with tropical leaves in a glass vase. It measures 24" tall X 16" wide Select...
Ona's Choice- 1 of A Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Ona! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Ona has a eye for detail that will take your...
Jaisy's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
IF YOU WANT AN ARRANGEMENT THAT IS UNIQUE AND CUSTOM, have Jaisy make you a delightful arrangement. Let her know if you want it low and compact or tall and showy. 16" tall x 16" wide for modern mounded arrangement with more flower...
Pattie's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Pattie! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Pattie has a eye for detail that will take...
Terri's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
For a custom arrangement that would be perfect on a desk, or on a coffee table. (About 14" x 14") Terri will use her expertise in color and texture to create a one of a kind arrangement just for you. Terri's arrangements are modern in design with...
Heart's Desire
One of most popular designs. It is a sweet, romantic design. This compact arrangement features our three most popular flowers: 6 red roses, 2 pink spray roses, 2 lilies white ,hydrangea & a touch of Waxflower or sub and is...
Blooming Beauty
This revived version of a Rose and Blossom classic Cake and Candy- 6 peachy roses, 3 peachy pink stock, 1 green hydrangea, 1 white lily, wax flower Hot and heavy- 6 purple roses, 3 plum stock, 1 purple hydrangea, 1 pink lily, wax flower Deluxe...
Galentine's Box
This Gift Box comes with 12oz Insulated Stainless Steel Tumbler with the words "You’re Awesome, Keep Shining" permanently laser engraved, Stainless Steel Straw and Spoon, 150g Lavender Handmade Soap, 240ml White Tea Body Butter, 240ml Coconut...
2 Dozen Cupid's Choice
This two dozen roses available in any color you select is accented by 4 stems or fragrant Oriental Lilies. 24" tall x 22" wide Upgrade for additional Roses and Lilies!
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