True Love's Lily Bouquet
Lilies are a real pleaser! They have a long life and produce a strong floral scent that will fill the room. That is why lilies are a favorite of so many. We keep it simple with this bouquet of all oriental lilies (6 stems) accented with simple greens and...
Premium Dish Garden
This beautiful dish garden comes with a variety of foliage plants and bloomers. Including a flowering Hellebore perennial that can be planted outside. Accented with decorative twigs, and moss. Plants may vary due to season and...
Styled Serenity
A combination of lilies, roses and hydrangea in a clear vase accented with curly willow in this styled design. Recipe (as pictured) 1 Asiatic Lily, 3 White Roses, 1 White Spray Rose, 2 Mini Green Hydrangea, 1 Green Trick...
Deluxe Orchid Planter
This beautiful planter is perfect for any plant lover! An impressive Orchid planted with beautiful trailing greens, a bloomer, and various foliage plants. Color may vary
Sunset Blossoms
Blossoms of a sunset, with blaze of color -- oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples...6 Roses, 2 stems Oriental Lilies, 3 Carnations, 5 linear flowers, and Hydrangea. 24" tall x 16" wide- DELUXE Recipe: 9 Orange roses, 2 Lilies, 6...
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