Simply Roses
Three red roses are accented with greens and white filler in a bud vase. This measures 4" wide X 11" tall.
Ona's Choice- 1 of A Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Ona! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Ona has a eye for detail that will take your...
Jaisy's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
IF YOU WANT AN ARRANGEMENT THAT IS UNIQUE AND CUSTOM, have Jaisy make you a delightful arrangement. Let her know if you want it low and compact or tall and showy. 16" tall x 16" wide for modern mounded arrangement with more flower...
Terri's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
For a custom arrangement that would be perfect on a desk, or on a coffee table. (About 14" x 14") Terri will use her expertise in color and texture to create a one of a kind arrangement just for you. Terri's arrangements are modern in design with...
Butterfly Kisses
3 Light Pink Roses, 3 Hot Pink Roses, 3 Alstroemeria, Wax-flower or (Sub), 1 Hydrangea, 1 Variegated Pitt, 1 salal tips, 3 Aralia/Aspid, Eucalyptus, 3 Butterflies. 15"+ wide x 16" tall. (Individual flower colors will vary because of inventory...
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