Simply Red Roses
Three red roses are accented with greens and white filler in a bud vase. This measures 4" wide X 11" tall.
All that Jazz
Warm tones of plum, fuchsia and orange make this bouquet pop. Featuring 3 orange roses, 5 purple carnations, an orange pin cushion protea and 2 orchids in a rustic wood box. (Orchid colors may vary)
Walk in the Woods Arrangement
This rustic bouquet is designed in a rectangle wood box and features orange spray roses, orange lilies, larkspur and red berries. It is accented with fall leaves, solidago and woodsy greens.
Jaisy's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
IF YOU WANT AN ARRANGEMENT THAT IS UNIQUE AND CUSTOM, have Jaisy make you a delightful arrangement. Let her know if you want it low and compact or tall and showy. Also note your color choices, and she will take it from there. (Ideas for...
Ona's Choice- 1 of A Kind Custom Design
Get a custom deigned arrangement by Ona! She will put her put her whole heart into a design with details that will be discovered the more you take in the artistry. With inspirations from nature, Ona has a eye for detail that will take your...
Terri's Choice- 1 of a Kind Custom Design
For a custom arrangement that would be perfect on a desk, or on a coffee table. (About 14" x 14") Terri will use her expertise in color and texture to create a one of a kind arrangement just for you. Terri's arrangements are modern in design with...
Butterfly Kisses
3 Light Pink Roses, 3 Hot Pink Roses, 3 Alstroemeria, Wax-flower or (Sub), 1 Hydrangea, 1 Variegated Pitt, 1 salal tips, 3 Aralia/Aspid, Eucalyptus, 3 Butterflies. 15"+ wide x 16" tall. (Individual flower colors will vary because of inventory...
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